Conformational isomerism


        The rotations C-C will result in an infinite number of spatial arrangements of hydrogen atoms attached to one carbon atom with respect to the hydrogen atoms attached to the other carbon atom. These different arrangements are better known as Conformational isomers or conformers.

Predominantly, these can be broadly classified into two different Types: 

1) Eclipse conformation  2) Staggered conformation

1) Eclipse conformation

    Conformation in which hydrogen atoms are attached to two carbons stay nearest to each other as possible is known as eclipsed

2) Staggered conformation

    Confirmation in which hydrogen atoms attached to two carbons are as far as possible with respect to each other is known as staggered The staggered conformation is thus relatively more stable in comparison to eclipse conformation as there are minimum repulsive forces, minimum energy due to many separations between the electron clouds of C-H bonds. 





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