
Showing posts from August, 2024

conformations of cyclohexane


methylcyclohexane conformations

  methylcyclohexane conformations: 1) Methylcyclohexane is cyclohexane in which one hydrogen atom is replaced with a methyl group substituent.  2) Methylcyclohexane can adopt two basic chair conformations:  one in which the methyl group is axial, and one in which it is equatorial .  3) The most stable conformation of methylcyclohexane is the  chair conformation in which the methyl group is equatorial. 4) The alternative chair conformation, in which the methyl group is axial, is 7.3 kJ/mol higher in energy.  5) This difference corresponds to a equatorial:axial conformer ratio of 19:1 at  25 °C.

stability order

  In chair conformation, the adjacent hydrogen atoms on all the neighboring carbon atoms are staggered and the force of repulsion in them is the minimum. It also does not have any angle strain. So it is most stable. The half chair form is least stable as it has maximum strain as five carbon atoms are in one plane and one carbon atom is out of plane. The boat conformation has steric strain due to interaction between two flagpole hydrogen and torsional strain is also present. It also does not have any angle strain. So it is less stable than a chair and twist boat. Twist boat has less steric strain and torsional strain then the boat conformation due to which flagpole hydrogen atoms move away from each other and reduce the strain so it is more stable than boat conformation.

Conformations of Cyclohexane

 Conformations of  Cyclohexane 1) Rings larger than cyclopentane would have angle strain if they were planar. However, this strain, together with the eclipsing strain inherent in a planar structure, can be relieved by puckering the ring.  2) Cyclohexane is a good example of a carbocyclic system that virtually eliminates eclipsing and angle strain by adopting non-planar conformations. 3)  Cycloheptane and cyclooctane have greater strain than cyclohexane, in large part due to transannular crowding (steric hindrance by groups on opposite sides of the ring). 4) Cyclohexane is rapidly rotating between the two most stable conformations known as the chair conformations in what is called the "Chair Flip" shown below. 5)   Several other notable cyclohexane conformations occur during the transition from one chair conformer to the other-  the boat, the twist, and the half-chair.   6) T he relative energies of the conformations is a direct reflection of their...

MID-1 Examination Chemistry Paper-1 for minors /major Chemistry


Baeyer Strain Theory

  Semester-3   Unit-2    Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry Baeyer Strain Theory Adolf von Baeyer (a Nobel prize winner) proposed a theory in 1885 to explain the relative stability of the first few cycloalkane. The theory based on following facts: 1. Cyclo-alkanes are saturated compounds. So, all the carbons should have normal tetrahedral angle of 109 o 28 1 (or 109 o  5 1 ). 2. Any deviation of bond angles from the normal tetrahedral value would, impose a condition of internal strain on the ring called bond angle strain or Beayer strain 3. Higher value of angle strain of cycloalkane shows instability. As instability increases reactivity also increase. 4. If all the rings in cycloalkanes assumed to be planar, the bond angle strain for each ring can be calculated below  . 5. According the above table smaller ring compounds cyclo propane and cyclobutane suffer large distortion and believed to be the cause of grater instability and enhanced r...

Conformational isomerism

Definition:           The rotations C-C will result in an infinite number of spatial arrangements of hydrogen atoms attached to one carbon atom with respect to the hydrogen atoms attached to the other carbon atom. These different arrangements are better known as Conformational isomers or conformers. Predominantly, these can be broadly classified into two different Types:   1)  Eclipse conformation  2)  Staggered conformation 1) Eclipse conformation      Conformation in which hydrogen atoms are attached to two carbons stay nearest to each other as possible is known as eclipsed 2) Staggered conformation      Confirmation in which hydrogen atoms attached to two carbons are as far as possible with respect to each other is known as staggered The staggered conformation is thus relatively more stable in comparison to eclipse conformation as there are minimum repulsive forces, minimum energy due to ma...