
Showing posts from December, 2023

Baeyer–Villiger oxidation

  The organic reaction in which ketone reacts with per acids like m-chloroperbenzoic acid to form Ester and carboxylic acid. This oxygen insertion reaction is known as Bayer-Villger Oxidation Reaction.

Fischer Esterification

    The organic reaction in which a carboxylic acids reacts with excess alcohol in presence of a strong acid catalyst to form an ester.This reaction is known as Fischer Esterification.

Aldol Condensation

  Statement  Aldol condensation  as an organic reaction in which an enolate ion reacts with a carbonyl compound to form β-hydroxy aldehyde or β-hydroxy ketone, followed by dehydration to gives a conjugated enone. Example Reaction:      Acetaldehyde involved in a self condensation reaction in presence of weak base like Dil.NaOH to form beta-hydroxy butyraldehyde, followed by dehydration forms crotanaldehyde.